This will probably be a short post as I seem to have lost the will to blog during the holidays, my brain is exhausted from trying to keep two very different children entertained and out of trouble! The sibling rivalry has reached an all time high this summer, they both think the other gets more of my attention when all that really happens when they kick off is neither get any good attention, they just bear the brunt of my annoyance and anger, why cant they see that?
(Dumpling has just called from the sofa where he lays, unwashed and with a mouthful of apple, watching cartoons that it "smells around here" shall I break it to him that its a combination of the fact that he and the puppy need a bath?)
Went to a friends wedding on Sunday, was flattered to be invited as I don't get to see her as much as I would like. It was a no children affair, fair enough but it was made very clear that the invitation was for me and not me + 1, OK, but I didn't know anyone else at the wedding and had to tack myself on to a friendly looking group I met briefly before at a christening, cue lots of stilted conversations and forced smiles. It was a beautiful wedding, cant fault it, lots of lovely touches and lots of funny bits too, but although I'm glad I saw the actual wedding and was involved I think I should have just been invited to the evening do?
Weather is rubbish here, rain and high winds, the wind actually kept me up last night (weather, not my tummy) supposed to be better for the bank holiday this weekend, I hope so, I live a short bus ride from one of the most famous beaches in this country and haven't been there yet this summer! But at least all this rain means we will have a grape crop in the garden this year, first time in 3 years they haven't dried out.
I'm thinking about buying a new camera, mine is OK, but a bit basic, I want something more advanced, have been researching reviews online and I think I want a Fuji S5700, anyone else have one, what do you think?
He's right, there is a funny smell, I'm going to find out what it is, will report back later.....