Lolly is in a "whats the matter?" "nothing" sort of sulk, I think she is tired but she has to learn that we all feel yuck at times but we do not need to be so antisocial that others are offended, sorry auntie katie! Dumpling is in that sort of nonstop motion and nonsense noise phase that 6 year old boys do, I dont think he could keep still if his life depended on it, I'm currently listening to a song that only has lyrics of "yuck, yuck, yuck" not as in yuck-food, just the sound, no sorry now its "uh, uh, uh". so I have the two exstremes of childhood behaviour, one cant stop moving and talking, the other is barely doing either, sigh.
I have to get a new tv, the washing machine on the floor above leaked. The tv is no more, I'm hoping to get one from freecycle and move it to a different place, cant afford to keep blowing up televisions!
Chickens laid one egg each today, including the pekin bantam, only her second egg for us! so its lots of baking tomorrow or if you pop in you'll be leaving with a box of eggs! Oh and we have three new chicks, Dumplings school hatched them last week, its become so normal to have chicks in the house, this is our 4th set, we are barely excited!

Hope all that made sense, my brains not firing quite right with this headache and all the painkillers, see you soon x
ah, the joys of(solo) motherhood !
are you feeling better ?
are you still looking after five extra children, thats a lot even when you re feeling well !
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