Have headache, my period and constipation, should wear that on a t-shirt so people know its dangerous to bother me!
Washing machine has new parts, dad isn't fried and I did 5 loads in a day, now I just have to iron it all, am drying it all on a rack or hung up in the laundry room, then tumbling to fluff. Cant believe how much dirty washing we create!
Saw Jon on Friday night, what a prat! Cant

believe it was the same person, he behaved like a 15 year old boy all evening and declared on 5 different occasions that he wasn't gay, umm no one said you were, what are you getting defensive about? I've never met anyone quite so insecure and doing such an over the top job of overcompensating for it!
My neighbour in the annexe paid me the the broadband rental, I couldn't get the pc to give me the code so I've left it unsecured, now its running slow, I guess the entire neighbourhood is running off my wireless now...
Did you know frogs dissolve? We saw two frogs on our decking, one hopped away and we realised that the one who didn't wasn't going to! He's slowly dissolving in the rain, gross but I cant help but watch!************************************************
I know hormones drive you crazy, but I think I am losing the plot, I was half way up the driveway on the way to get milk and bread

I am so absent minded too. I once went to take a bath, got in and realized that I still had my bra and undies on.
And once, I absentmindedly handed Liv a treat to eat in the car on the way to swim practice. I handed it to her and said, "Here you go, sweets, eat up for energy." I had given her some sharpie markers and a tablet of paper.
Sorry that things were kind of washy with J...but better to know now than later, yes?
And constipation can make anyone turn into a true hellion....
I spent 10 minutes looking for my cell phone the other day, while I talked to Lolita...on my cell phone. It wasn't until I told her what I was stomping around about and she pointed out that perhaps I should look next to my ear that I found it.
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