I haven't been sick even though I felt so nauseous last night and today and have that painful lower back stomach ache that means an upset tummy might be coming, trouble is the amount of painkillers I took yesterday are having the opposite effect. Baby Tom is here today, his mum said he was very tired and would probably sleep, sleep? He doesn't know the meaning of the word! But he is very good natured and incredibly funny now he talks so much, has been using dumplings pretend doctor kit to try and amputate my leg "I have to, nenny" He's a great fan of cbeebies as we are too, no adverts, entirely baby safe tv! He says bye bye every time a programme ends and loves theme tunes, I've sung the koala brothers theme tune so many times, I sing it when he not even around!
1 comment:
I have never seen that Koala show. Liv was home sick from school yesterday, though, and we laid around watching TV all day.
We watched the Teletubbies and some show about a bunch of guys who all live together and are a band...cannot think of their name now to save my life. The funny thing is that I remember when she watched these shows daily...we even had a teletubby birthday party for her one year. And now, I can't recall much about them except to get a pang when I see them on TV. Sesame Street is the hardest to watch. It makes me want to weep with missing my little toddler Liv. And I deeply recall almost hating that show when it was on!
Now, she watches Kim Possible and this truly stupid show called Hannah Montana.
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