Sunday 22 April 2007


My dad came over this afternoon (Sunday) with a huge amount of thick rope to make a new swing for the apple tree, Dumpling was over the moon, but I wasn't overly happy about my dad climbing around the tree like a monkey! I kept telling dumpling to come out from under the canopy while he was up there, thinking that he he fell at least he would only hurt himself and not dumpling too, it was too nice an afternoon to spend it in A&E! Of course he was fine, and I trust his tying of knots from his sea and army training and before long dumpling was swinging high across the patio, with me wondering where is scooter crash helmet was and knowing the pfft! response that would get from my dad...! Dumpling got off after a few minutes and knowing how my dad doesn't like slang words and is a religious man when I asked him what the matter was he replied "I just need to rest my underneath!" What a polite way to say it! But sadly happiness didn't last long when dumpling lost his grip and narrowly missed hitting the ground, dad and caught him as we saw him start to slip but the fright was enough to end the fun, it always makes me want to cry when I hold dumpling close when he has been scared and I can feel how tight he is holding for reassurance and how fast his heart is beating!

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