It was a lovely day yesterday, mums not the type for big flashy occasions, we went shopping all day, all the kids behaved and didn't nag, even J who is still tired from his illness, he dragged his tired self round all the shops clutching his new toy boat and car I bought him from the pound shop, got to love that shop for quick cheap bribery! But he was so tired he fell asleep across C and my sisters laps on the bus on the way home! We then dropped the shopping home and went to mums in the evening for a roast dinner and large chocolate cake for dessert! Yum! Now I know we should have offered to cook as it was mums birthday but there were eight of us and we would have messed it up big time, mum is amazing at a roast dinner and knows her kitchen and oven better than anyone so we let her do it! C decided to test how far the teenage angst could go and refuse to eat any veg but some stern murmurs from me had them eaten, she made be laugh though, she actually tried to hide some under the fatty bit of her pork chop, does she think that hasn't been done before??? I had to laugh, I did the same thing almost 30 years ago! She did apologise for her attitude afterwards, I think that's a good thing that at least she knows when she has played up, more difficult to deal with someone who denies they have done anything wrong.
So I had a reflexology session from a friend who is training, its lovely but it makes the rest of my body want a massage too, my feet feel soft and airy and it only reminds me how much my shoulders ache! C went to the cinema with friends and J stayed at my mums and planted over 200 bulbs in her garden and pulled up a similar number of dandelions which our rabbits enjoyed this evening! J was supposed to go to his swimming lesson at 5.30, I was already umming and haaing about sending him so soon after being ill, but when I went to get him from the lounge to go and found him fast asleep! So he slept while I hoovered around him, ironed a pile of clothes with my squeaky ironing board and on and on he slept, he so needed that sleep, he still went to bed later with no problems, he is just like me, ill? sleep it off!
aaarrrgghh mum how could you!! that was for nan only!!! i'm shamed now!..xxx Xx_lolly_babe_xX
aaarrrgghh mum how could you!! that was for nan only!!! i'm shamed now!..xxx Xx_lolly_babe_xX
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